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tv   On the Record With Greta Van Susteren  FOXNEWSW  March 26, 2015 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

11:00 pm and let us know what you think. don't forget our special tomorrow night, studio audience, 10:00 eastern. thanks for joining us. this is a fox news alert. the co-pilot did it. french prosecutors say the german wings co-pilot deliberately slamming the passenger jet into a mountain side. they say the 27-year-old co-pilot's intention was to destroy the plane. the cockpit voice recorder showing evidence of the terrifying minutes of the doomed flight. >> mystery, terror and confusion. just 48 hours after german wings flight 9525 goes down in the french alps killing everybody on board. today the french prosecutor accusing the co-pilot of crashing the airplane. >> he voluntarily allowed the plane to lose altitude. >> the story starts at 10:01 a.m. german wings flight takes
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off barcelona in route to dust sell doppler germany. the conversation between captain and co-pilot. >> it was a normal chatter. almost joyous,. >> 10:27 a.m. the plane reaches 38000 feet. at this time the captain steps out of the cockpit leaving the co-can-pilot in charge. >> it seems sure that the co-pilot made the most of the pilot stepping out of the cockpit. >> two minutes later things go horribly wrong. the co-pilot locking the pilot out of the cockpit. dropping the plane nearly 4,000 feet per minute. >> i believe voluntary action, one to the entrance to the cockpit. two, to start the command to lose altitude. >> the captain frank particularly trying to get back in the cockpit desperate to save the plane and passengers. the co-pilot refusing the entry. continuing to send the plane
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on collision course with the french alps. dropping 32,000 feet in just 8 minutes. at the end of the black box recording sudden and chilling screams from the passengers on board. >> you only hear the screams literally on the last moment of the recording. >> 10:40 a.m. total mayhem. french air traffic control loses contact as the air bus 320 slams into the french alps. pulverizing the fuselage and all 120 passengers. >> the the prosecutor said you could hear the co-pilot breathing right into the moment of impact. fox news correspondent greg palkot will be with us in a moment. first, go to jason be buy lieny. two people on that airplane struggling pilot on the outside, co-pilot on the inside. what you can tell me about the details. >> it was remarkable what we heard. as you were just reporting that you had the co-pilot who was there and actually a video conference that he was getting from the pilot who was on the outside desperately trying to get. in and there were no words.
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the entire time the 10 minutes after the co-pilot apparently according to the prosecutor those almost 10 minutes when he started bringing the plane down he did not say a single word in response to people trying to get into that cockpit. >> now, the a-320 has about a two hour loop on that voice recorder and they had taken off about 45 minutes or so earlier. so there should be a lot of information, a lot of chatter, a lot of conversation with air traffic controllers, a lot of conversation between the pilot and co-pilot. before the pilot even left that cockpit to go -- to leave for reasons unnone,do you know the content of the conversation? was there anything unusual going on? >> well fly anything that we haven't heard ourselves going on the word they didn't think it was anything out of the ordinary that would indicate there was anything wrong. nothing in the tone of voice. it was just sort of the routine type of conversation. and but then, you know, you
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never hear anything that really, you know, one thing they could tell was that they didn't have a heart attack. it wasn't medical. they were able to rule that out in listening to this and listening to his breaths. the other things that they are listening to on there was them just -- the sound, the ambient noise being carried into the cockpit from the cabin of the plane from the pilot trying to get in. from the air traffic controllers desperately trying to find out why isn't this plane responding? why is it going off course? why is it descending toward a mountain? >> the prosecutor talking today in that press conference, i know it's just horrible. he talked about hearing screams in the background. if you think about it. in order for that microphone in the cockpit to pick that up on that voice recorder, it had to go through that armored door very thick. it must have been sleuth hell on that salute hell on that plane for that 8 minutes. >> this was daylight. did the people there know that the plane was
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descending? probably so. i mean, we don't know. but would they have noticed a pilot who was frantically trying to back down the door? one can imagine that they did and were asking questions, what's going on here and probably towards the end were and from everything that we are hearing they were aware that something had gone terribly wrong. makes us think about year ago that we were talking about mh 370 what happened on that plane. still so horrifying to think what do these people know about their situation? we still haven't solved that mystery. what may have happened here. potentially that's the best theory going right now. pilot, co-pilot locked someone out and did a deed that the prosecutor said suicide is not the right word for it whether you have got 150 people in the back. >> jason, he was alone in that cockpit. does that happen with u.s. carriers? are they alone in the cockpit at any time? >> well whether it actually happens or not, that's -- i
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have heard some discussion about that today. the rules since 9/11 is there is always supposed to be another person up there in the cockpit. a flight attendant is supposed to go in and be in there when a pilot or co-pilot needs to leave to go to the bathroom or whatever. you know european carriers, interestingly, they don't have specific rules. and we know that germany and we know that they don't have the same rule we have in the united states. this is even after last year. just last year ethiopian airlines you had one of the pilots -- pilot kick a co-pilot out or, you know, he was locked out of the cockpit, andy verted the jet to geneva where he was seeking asylum. he ended up getting arrested and getting 20 years in prison. it goes to show this is not a unique case. in fact, we have identified the -- 8 cases of the pilot being -- taking either where there is suspicion that the pilot may have crashed the jet intentionally. and another 10 cases over 40 years, mind you.
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another 10 cases where you have, you know, the pilot did ing the aircraft, you know, most of those were asylum seeking cases. but it does happen. it's not as rare as i think many of us believe it was. this risk was -- is greater than many of us believes until today. jason, thank you. thank you. the question gripping everyone is why would this co-pilot fly this plane into a mountain and murder 149 people. investigators are focusing on the co-pilot personal family and professional environment as they make this search for the motive. grn correspondent alan hall joins us from the co-pilot's hometown in germany. alan, what's latest on who is this guy? >> the latest is the 28. is he a single man. the latest on him, in fact came in the last half an hour. excuse me, when d5gwxiu!ô iikñ<
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"ybf6u6n cz?fñi40+ nildb k(s8 qoo@#0 airport a small apartment. the police said they searched his apartment and found something of, quote, significance. they wouldn't say what it was. they said it wasn't a suicide note. but there are lots of theories going around that maybe he was a jilted lover, according to local people he lived with a surname was gold back at his dusseldorf apartment. she hadn't been found yet. otherwise, what can you say about him? he lived for flying, according to people in his hometown and even from america's faa an award, a recognition that he was a very good pilot. in 2013. he was entered on the list of being an exceptional aviator. so, he was in that sense, a guy pilot. but, in 2008, he took six months off of his training for personal relation
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reasons which one neighbors said was burnout. he suffered depression. he had a history. did he crackup on this terrible day? on tuesday? >> alan, the big elephant in the room, i mean, people frankly are thinking this so let me ask you. this is there any connection to islamic extremism at all? any indication any of his social media conduct? anything at all? >> absolutely seems to be none at all. not that he was radicalized or that he attended a mosque, that really hasn't come into question. i think that this is going to point to terribly tragic personal circumstances that a person from the age of 15. he attended a local glider club. he dreamed of being an airline pilot. somewhere along the way his emotional makeup was not entirely complete. he had this breakdown in
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2008. looks like he may have suffered another one but still trying to search for the actual reason for it. >> alan, thank you. >> thank you. >> now, let's go to france. fox news correspondent greg palkot joins us live. greg? >> >> greta, we are coming to you from where the main investigation is being conducted into that horrible crash the german wings plane into the southern french alps. it's where the prosecutor gave those stirring words today this the co-piatt lot clib bratly crashed that plane. new leads coming out of germany and from the ongoing search recovery mission happening about 100 yards from where we are right now. that search and recovery mission happened today. i spoke to one person who had good access what was going on on the ground. they say the recovery is coming down to little
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plastic bags being filled with pieces of the plane and, unfortunately, bits of the bodies have been scattered across that mountain side 150 victims of that crash yes, the focus is zeroing in to the co-pilot. the man who took charge of the cockpit. as the prosecutor here in mars say accounted in dramatic fashion, he blocked the door as the captain was outside that plane. knocking then pounding desperately trying to get back into that cockpit. as the prosecutor explained here, we heard screams. screams from the passengers at the very end of that sharp dissent. they didn't know they were going to die until the very end. so yes as you have been talking about greta, really what was behind this? what is going on? and we are getting information as was related a short time ago that the police?
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n. germany are going into the family home just outside of frankfurt and his own apartment just outside of dusseldorf and coming up with some important information that we should be getting more leads on. they say, in fact, yes, it was not a suicide note but something that has to be tested. that will be looked at very closely. basically the record word the reports of depression, aside from the other reports that he wases happy that it was pleased to be a pilot that is coming out as well as we try to come for some motivation. that's what the prosecutors will be looking at very closely. they went today, greta, from saying that it was involuntary manslaughter to voluntarily manslaughter. the idea of terrorism was dismissed initially. but certainly that is a possibility even though most of the officials are saying that there is no incling no trace no word that there is any kind of connection that
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way. they are more at the person himself and what could be behind him. they are saying they are not going to call it suicide. one of the officials here saying and a lot of other people are saying that it looks more like mass slaughter right in the heart of europe. thank you, greta. >> thank you, greg. as an aside the prosecutor would call it voluntarily manslaughter but i would call it murder. that's what i would call it greg, thank you. as we said french prosecutors confirming the 2 7-year-old co-by will the barricaded himself in the cockpit as the pilot pounded on that locked door for security. cockpit video explains. >> this code pad provides increased security levels and used to not phi cockpit crew of request for entry or to open the door in case of confirmed in compass station of both pilots. the buzzer in the cockpit, rear of the overhead panel provides an audible warning to notify the cockpit crew.
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this door controlling to gel switch with warning lights is normally installed on the pedestal that can also be located on the overhead panel on request. >> and joining us, two pilots who fly air bus a-320 dj frost and rick. dj, let me go first to you. i guess when you get into the cockpit, when you fly a plane, you don't know, necessarily know who is going to be next to you, do you? not like somebody that you necessarily fly with all time? >> many times you are dealing with a new crew member, sometimes you fly with the same people i also want to process this and say of all the airlines that they talked, about none have been u.s. registered airline. so i wanted people to keep that in perspective as they spring break and busy travel season. none of these were u.s. registered aircraft. >> in addition to that rick not only is this not a u.s. carrier, none of these incidence have been u.s. carriers. actually so far as we know the planes have been
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perfectly good. they performed exactly what they were supposed to. they have lots of redundancies it's whether or not in this instance there was a pilot or co-pilot who just wanted to kill people. >> rick? >> oh i'm sorry. i thought you were talking to d.j. still. >> no, to you. these a-320 is a great plane. >> the a-320 is an excellent plane. i think everybody is putting the cart before the horse on this whole accident. this pilot number one, only had 630 hours he was in that cockpit alone. let's say there was a failure, angle of attack indicators. therefore, the aircraft thought it was in a stall. so the airplane would be stalling and it would push the nose over to gain airspeed and that's what the computers are telling the plane to do. the co-pilot would pull back on the stick and he would
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all of a sudden realize that he had no control over this airplane, that the computers are flying it and dissending it into the alps. now, the captains is banging on the door. the co-pilot with a mere 630 hours, which is hardly anything, is starting to get narrow and narrower and narrower on his vision and he flips the lever to let the captain in the door and let's say he flips it the wrong way and it goes to the locked position. that thing is going to lock for 20 minutes. and the captain can't override it with the pad. so now you have got a co-pilot. >> go ahead. finish. >> you have a co-pilot with very little flight experience if you consider 630 hours is not that much. the airplane is doing something he has never seen and all he would have had to do was reach up and hit two buttons off of the three air data reference computers and he would have had control of the airplane. the captain would have known that. he should have known it.
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but, he was so panicked he didn't say a word. he missed -- he flipped the switch the wrong way. the captain is locked out. >> let me go to d.j. on that. you listened to his description i might add into the mix that someone turned the dial in order to change the -- did something to change the auto pilot and you have got the problem that he is quiet and he has 8 minutes. that's a long time to fix a problem. when you listen to rick, you know do you back him up on this at all? >> it's quite a story i staneld though weren't find super cool droplets to effect the tubes or angle attack sensor. i'm not really buying that at this point. from was information the auto pilot was dialed down below the level. that can be easily done. 6,000 feet dial in zero
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feet. push expedite on the auto pilot and the air going to be on oxygen mask and watching the show go from there. if he chose to do that of course, they are going to find, you know whatever they find at his place. maybe he did have financial problems. maybe he was still depressed from a breakup. they are going to uncover those facts. this scenario that rick just painted i'm not quite buying it. >> gentlemen, thank you. and as you both know, this is investigation is ongoing and we are going to get more information. in fact we have only got the voice data recorder. we haven't got the data recorder voice recorder. we will get more information as time marches on. thank you gentlemen. >> thank you. >> we'll bring you viewers more information about the plane investigation. we will take you back live to france. also talk with the former faa director. more 00 breaking news coming up in minutes. this is a fox news alert. right now two illinois men one member of the army niewrg are under arrest.
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accused of trying to plot attack on u.s. soil. mike joins us from chicago with the latest. mike? >> hasan was still active duty with the illinois national guard when he was picked at chicago's midway airport. according to the fbi he was flying to egypt ultimately to hook up with isis. edmunds had been awarded the army service medal and national defense service medal. that does not mean he was a particularly skilled soldier. pretty much anyone who gets out of basic training will get one of those awards. now, he appeared in court today with a shaved head. his job in the national guard was supply specialists. when the fbi got on to him top brass at the base was notified and edmunds was quietly kept from getting access to anything lethal or dangerous until he could finally be arrested. now, according to the criminal complaint edmunds communicated with undercover agent over text. a message from january completeith typos said the best way to beat them, he wrote bet was to break their will. their will meaning the u.s. will. with the u.s., no matter how
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many they kill they will keep coming unless the soldiers and the american public no longer have the will to fight. now the co-defendant and cousin jonas edmunds appeared in court with a long beard. he has a criminal record. and therefore, can't travel. therefore, he was the one who was going to stay behind and attack the base while his cousin went off to join and fight with isis and train with isis. according to the criminal complaint, he had predicted a body count at that base of 100 to 150. now, we have a statement from the illinois national guard. reading, in part, we will not let this incident detract us from fulfilling our mission as proud national guard soldiers. now, hasan edmunds allegedly told fbi agents that he was serving in the infidel army but he wanted to leave and this fight with the soldiers. he had been to afghanistan but they returned before he signed up with the guard. greta? >> mike, thank you. and straight ahead, senator
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lindsey graham says is he gravely concerned. senator graham goes "on the record" next. we are staying on top of the breaking news about flight 25 5. take you back to france. hear from janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? (cough!) it works on his cough too. mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs for 12 hours. let's end this.
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purchase any new verizon wireless smartphone or tablet from comcast. visit to learn more. senator lindsey graham says is he gravely concerned about the iran nuclear talks and now the associated press reporting tonight the u.s. is considering letting iran run hundreds of centrifuges and want secret fortified underground bunker in exchange for iran's nuclear work. senator lindsey graham joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening, greta. >> all right. you heard what the associated press is reporting as what is part of the deal. we are still left out in the dark as a the details of any
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deal if there is one what's your thought on at least the report. >> number one thought is there should be no deal unless the congress looks at the deal and votes on it so that you and your listeners or your viewers will understand what's in the deal. this is a very disturbing report. i'm not going to make a decision based on newspaper reports. but what i had been told is gravely disturbing. up to 6,000 centrifuges in the hands of an iranian regime who is wreaking havoc throughout the middle east develops icdms that could get to the united states why would you give them that capability given their behavior. >> let me give you a hypothetical since you are not going to respond to reports in the newspaper assume centrifuges underground bunker we did
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not know about at all. perfectly hidden. impervious from u.s. planes and bombs from israeli planes. how about that it's fordo? does that bother you? >> not only it bothers me. it would be delusional for any p 5 plus 1 agreement to a allow them tone rich a fortified facility. this is north korea in the making where the united nations and the international community tries to control a rogue regime's ambitions to get nuclear weapons. they lock in a deal, hoping inspectors will keep from having a breakout. this is what's going to happen with iran. this whole idea of allowing them to enrich at the bottom of a mountain impervious to conventional attack is going to drive the arabs and the israelis crazy. you see what's going on on the ground now. you have got 8 arab countries taking on iranian proxy in yemen. there is about to be a sunni shia war throughout the entire region and we still negotiate with iran as if nothing had happened. the arabs are not going to
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accept such a deal and they will get a bomb of their own. then you are on the road to armageddon. this is dangerous. >> but what's different here is that it's not just any facility. it's fordo. the one -- bomb. >> you are right. >> i don't care how mad anybody gets about it or what the the inspections. that's what's different if that's the facility. >> well, it's just not the harden natured of the facility, it's one we didn't know about. they have been cheating for the last 20 years. this facility was found out in 2009. at the end of the day it is a hardened site to allow enrichment here i think would be very irresponsible. >> senator, thank you. nice to see you, sir. continuing to get new information about the co-pilot intentionally flew that plane into the mountain. investigators are in his hometown and scouring every [ male
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this is a fox news alert. mass murder, the french alps a-320 plane crash that killed 120 people is now wide-ranging criminal investigation. french prosecutors say the 27-year-old co-pilot of the german wings air bus a-320 deliberately aimed for the mountains intending to destroy the plane which means he intended to destroy passengers, kill them. innocent people he didn't know and they didn't know him. grn correspondent catherine joins us from france. what's the latest from france? >> the latest is that based on the audio recording they have the cockpit voice recorder, they are fairly certain that he deliberately
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crashed that plane knew the mountain tan what we are now doing at the moment the french prosecution is they are in touch with the german colleague. they have asked german investigators to go to his home. he had lived with his parents just outside frankfurt. the co-pilot alsos had an apartment in dusseldorf. go to those two homes and get whatever documentation they can that could give them any type of information that would give them the clue why he took that action. what took for. personal life.
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passion jerusalem on board on route dusseldorf. >> mention many of some possible jilted girlfriend. do you have any information on that at all. >> no, only information we have is when police left his apartment building in dusseldorf. they said they had information that could be useful to the investigation. as you can imagination, greta, it's been a day where there has been all sorts of information coming out. some people say he was quite a happy go lucky guy. very pleased get this job with the airline. other people saying that he was a bit of a depressive. on top of all of this has been the news that in 2009 six years ago he had to interrupt his pilot training for medical reasons. we still don't know what those medical reasons were.
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>> >> thank you. >> thank you, greta. morning the -- mourning the loss. the co-pilot reset the auto pilot to take the aircraft down from 38,000 feet to 96 feet. reportedly the lowest al at this throughout the system would accept. joining us the director of civil aviation security billy benson. nice to see you. >> thank you greta. >> i was going to ask you about the different rules. the way that pilots fly is they are flying with a different person almost every day or every couple of days. good place for investigators to go to talk to other pilots flown with co-pilot to see if there is anything unusual about him. >> that's true. the worldwide, that seems to be the normal operation, too, that the mix of the pilots and co-pilots is almost random depending on what they bid on their flight schedule only reason
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at this point is why we would be interested in why this guy did this is what do we do to prevent the next one, if you go back in the three or four commercial suicides that have happened up to this time, they have been be a variety of reasons and one of them in one in morocco in the earl little 1990s was because of a jilted relationship. another one, in the silk air, in 1997 or 1999 one or another we never established the. there is controversy as to whether that really was a suicide. and then there was the egypt air 990, the same thing. i have friends in the middle east pilots who will argue to this day that it wasn't a
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suicide but all the evidence points to a suicide. >> unfortunately we can't put these -- this data recorders in people's heads. pilots. only put them -- >> -- right. >> inside the cockpit. but that we have different rules here in the united states. you can't leave a cockpit lone and that maybe that would, you know, could have possibly maybe prevented what happened in france. >> well you would at least have had a chance to do something about it the pilot sitting in the seat having to get up to counter someone else in the cockpit in order to commit an act like this. would have to extradite himself. >> not a big area either. >> not a big area. you have is to climb over that center panel. while they are doing that that person, that extra person in the cockpit can open that door. in the u.s. you have to have
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two. people say to me, my wife for instance, says flight attendant? what can she do? >> she ask k. reach up and do the code on the door. >> well she -- >> -- or he. >> but if they are in the cockpit. now, the question is, in the u.s., you have to have two. but how have we trained the second person? flight attendant mail male or female. what do they do the pilot, single one in the seat starts to get out of the seat to confront them? >> i mean it's certainly not a perfect answer. >> >> there is no way to make sure that this does not happen again but you can go a long way to prevent it. >> and i suspect that if -- my guess is if everything pans out like everyone seems psychological examinations. >> billy, nice to see you as always. >> likewise.
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straight ahead, we have another update on the plane crash. it is now a criminal investigation of mass murder. "on the record" investigates coming up. middle east in turmoil tonight. saudi arabia bombing yemen as saudis fake conflict with iran straight to yemen. that puts u.s. in extrtrtrtrtrtr
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developing now, dark smoke and heavy flames shooting high into the air over new york city after a blast at a five story apartment building. building explosion collapse and seven alarm fire leaving 12 people hurt, three critically. it is believed the explosion happened in the restaurant in the first floor of the building in manhattan's east village. the cause is likely a gas-related explosion. and yemen is disintegrating. iran is there and now so is saudi arabia. the saudi arabia is launching air strikes. the strikes targeting the shiites rebels in yemen. lt. colonel oliver north joins us. that is incredible. >> it's not just saudi
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arabia. 8 nations all lined up doing. this and this is -- we are looking at another civil war in yemen. 1963 to 1967 while we were engaged in afghanistan there was a very bloody civil war. the egyptian sent troops, lost a lot of troops. you now have egyptian military personnel getting ready to go in. air strikes being dissent great self war. >> i have to back it up. because two things that really disturbed me. one is president obama touting sort of success in our counter terrorism battle last september or october. that's really bad. but, you know, for me, the other thing that really distresses me is that we had to run from yemen. that our -- we closed down our embassy.
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everybody fled and even our special forces were there. they had to flee because this place is so awful. meanwhile iran is there and you have got arabia fighting them and now we are helping iran and iraq. >> get, this okay. so he we are backing the shiite regime in baghdad, which has iranians fighting for them. and in yemen. >> with air power now. >> oh yeah. >> with air strikes. >> in tikrit. and in yemen, we are backing the sunnies against the shiites that are being supported by iran. >> meanwhile we are having talks with iran on nuclear weapons and our good friend the israelis, prime minister netanyahu is not happy. >> so here is the frightening part of it. the saudis clearly feel threatened by what's happening in iran. in fact, the big losers with yemen going upside down in the hands of iran is all the shipments that go through the suez canal go right through the coast of aden. you can't have that area if you are saudi or elm rit or egyptian, you cannot have
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that controlled by iran. what we are looking at is the likelihood i think it's very strong. senator graham on just a little while ago i think you are looking at the very strong likelihood of a saudi first strike at tehran i'm saying that because the meeting that took place 10 12 days ago now in rihad. sing sal mone calls cece out of egypt. ered yuan. two guys run the emirates. and shareef out of pakistan. now would would they do that? they are getting ready to go to war against the shiites what we are looking at is having absolutely zero influence on it the frightening prospect is if you think the market went back in 2008, as soon as anyone cracks off a nuke, the market is going to drop like a stone and it's going to take us a decade to
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recover from it. and all because this administration cannot figure out what they want to do. there is talk that what they really are trying to receive is kissinger, nixon. >> the difference china wanted to survive the experience. these people in tehran don't care about that. >> colonel north, nice to see you. >> greta. >> don't forget to tune in this sunday march 29th 8:00 p.m. for war stories with oliver north on the fox business network. up next the obama administration losing grip on foreign
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test test.
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is the obama administration losing control. karl rove joins us. let's look to the flip side where is president obama's foreign policy working? >> uninitemly it is working to bring the egyptians and saudis n a very material sense into the conflicts in the middle east it is a good sign that both of them have committed naval forces ground forces and. as we speak taking up station off the port of aden and saudis have begun bombing the houthis, this could have been done with american leadership and if so, it would be a lot more effective at stabilizing yemen. special operators there embassy oped intelligence capacity on the the ground and working hand in glove with the egyptians and saudis which is what they actually want and desire is an american presence and american leadership.
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looking farther along the situation in iraq. now we are helping. we are bosoming to create aligning ourselves with iran to somewhat. they are fighting alongside iraq against the isis. >> yeah. except that remember, this is really interesting. i have been paying particular attention to this. the u.s. military has said they are acting in concert with iraqi forces only. gone out of their way to say they are helping the iraqis for the iraqi forces only. that is to say they have left the shiite militias without air cover. they are only operating in support of regular iraqi units. that's actually a smart move. not by the administration but by the u.s. military to say we are not going to give our air power and our air support to the shiite militias if they get attacked by the isis they are on their own. they are going to help the iraqi units, i thought that's a pretty smart move again not by the white house i suspect but by the military saying we don't want to be seen in any way,
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shape, or form as helping the allies of the iranians, namely the shia militias. >> are you suggesting things aren't getting a whole lot worse in that region. >> no, they are dreadful. no, they are dreadful. no don't get me wrong. we are very bad shape there. president obama has no strategy, can he not think ahead. national security council and the entire government security apparatus has utterly failed to comprehend what the situation is and develop a strategy to respond to it focused on one thing. he wants that nobel peace prize by getting in a deal with the iranians over their nuclear program. this is leaderless and rutterless. there is nobody in charge of thinking about this except in some specific instances the military saying we have specific authority to do things like air support in iraq let's make certain we do it right. >> karl thank you. coming up, is president obama snubbing the
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constitution? i will tell you what i think, off-the-record next. [ male announcer ] meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor. and she might have if not for kari, the identity thief who stole jill's social security number to open credit cards ruining jill's credit and her dream of retirement. every year, millions of people just like you experience how a little personal information in the wrong hands could wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft and once every 2 seconds someone becomes a victim. lifelock offers comprehensive identity theft protection. the patented lifelock identity alert system lets you know about threats to your identity by text, phone, or e-mail. and lifelock even offers bank account takeover alerts and alerts for your investment and retirement accounts. lifelock's comprehensive identity theft protection helps guard your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. and lifelock's certified resolution agents are there to help restore your identity
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fox news alert. chilling new information from the cockpit voice recorder of the german wings air bus that crashed into the french alps. today, french prosecutors saying the co-pilot intentionally crashed the plane. the voice recorder shows the co-pilot locked the pilot out of the cockpit. then the co-pilot manually and deliberately started the dissent into the mountain. they could hear the co-pilot breathing into the final moment. alive until impact. tonight police are searching the co-pilot's homes in germany. fox news has the very latest on the investigation. okay let's go off-the-record. is president obama snubbing the constitution? article 2, section 2 clause 2 says treaties must be ratified by two thirds voted of the senate. what's a treaty. i looked it up. here are two dictionary definitions.
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one is a formal agreement between two or more nations with reference to peace commerce, or other negotiations. a treaty is a formal written agreement between two or more nations. so i ask yourself, what is it that president obama is negotiating with iran? here is what the obama state department spokesperson told us about it. >> it's negotiated between countries and it's negotiated between leaders of countries. >> bingo. it's a treaty. she knows it. and frankly so does the president. he knows it. so my message to president obama, how about it? you taught constitutional law, time to walk the walk. this deal with with iran is a treaty, period. that means it must go to the senate for two thirds ratification. if it's a good idea, the senate should ratify it. if not, the senate should not. at this point i don't know what the deal is. no one will tell us. but that's another problem. that's my off-the-record comment tonight. thank you for being with us. see you again tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m.
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eastern. can't watch live, follow me on twitter at the handle @greta. good night from washington, d.c. see you tonight 7:00 p.m. right here.


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